Rigor is creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels,
each student is supported so he or she can learn at high levels,
and each student demonstrates learning at high levels (Blackburn, 2008).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Resting and Relaxing?

Many of you are still teaching, but some of you are finished for the year.  My son finished on Friday, so we left for a family vacation on Sunday.  Vacations are supposed to be about relaxing, resting, and enjoying getting away from the traditional obligations.  However, it's taken me several days to get to that point.  I had a long to-do list that wasn't finished; I keynoted at the Center for School Excellence for Poverty Instruction Conference on our second day here; and traveling with a 14 and 16 year old was an adjustment. Yesterday, I finally took some time to do nothing--except fidget a bit!  Do you have trouble with that transition to the summer?  The feeling that you are thrilled the year is over, but also that feeling of not quite knowing what to do?  That's where I am--my summers are part break, part work, so I never know how to fully relax.  For the summer, I'll be blogging once or twice a week, presenting in Miami, upstate New York, Mobile, Texas, and at the Southern Regional Education Board's National Staff Development Conference in New Orleans.  I'll also be releasing a June/July newsletter next week.  Enjoy your summer! 


  1. You sound as busy as I am for the "relaxing" summer. I have been/will be gone for about 20+ days this summer to conferences/workshops. I have also been working part-time. And bush hogging our pastures. And participating in several book studies/read alongs. And......

    Life is busy. Life is good.:)


  2. Shannon, sounds like you have so many good things happening! If you'd like to add one to the list, you can send me a guest blog to post sometime this summer about professional development and renewal for teachers. Just contact me through my website. Barbara

  3. I get so used to the constant coming and going during the school year that I actually went back the Monday and Tuesday following the end of the year just to feel like I had a "purpose." Not that I don't have a purpose, I keep busy, but I immediately start to miss my co-workers and my familiar environment!


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